FROM THYSHELF - Up In The Tree House

I finsihed another book from Netgalley and this time it was a children's book. Not that I am still reading children's books but there was something in the cover that was looked quite interesting. I had a bit of surprise to learn that it was a picture book but still I finished it. Anyway, here's what I thought about Andrew Larsen's In the Tree House:

IN the tree house is a story about two brothers who love doing things together. They play cards, read comics, draw. One day, they decided to build a tree house with their father which was their ultimate playground. One summer, the older brother stopped spending time in the tree house and with his younger brother. The younger brother was left alone in their castle. One night, a black out hit their town, prompting everyone to go out of their house and appreciate nature and the stars. The older brother went up to their tree house and found his brother thinking. Then as if time has not passed, they spend the night in the tree house doing the things that they used to do.

I really find the story sweet and endearing. It;s a story that almost everyone relates to. A sibling who you always spend time with grows up to spend more time with their friends. Everyone has that at some point. And sometimes it takes just one moment, a fight, an accident, a black out, to bring you back together adn suddenly you relive the moments you use to spend with them.

Also, I find the drawings cool and very age appropriate. This may be a children's book but I'd also recommend it to grown ups. It's a beautiful reminder of family and just having fun and being young.

If you have any questions, comments or suggestions, post them below or on twitter @iamthebluedevil
