I think it has been quite obvious that my lack of posts is due to the tremendous amount of work that I had to do. The past few days had been very busy, hence lesser online activity for me.

Anyway, as much as I love and enjoy reading e-books, reading an actual book in your hand is still different. You can never replace the experience of doing things using only one hand while your nose is buried in a book, or the joy of using a book mark to hold the page in place. Things you can never do when reading digitally.

The four books in the picture are my latest book acquisitions. Yes they are not newly releases nor are they new. They were previously owned by my sister (who is a bigger book worm). She was about to sell it but before she did, I had the chance to select a few for my own.

Though I haven't had the chance to read any of them (I am nowhere near finishing my e-book line up) I would definitely find time to read them. They are next on my  ever growing list of TBR or To-Be Read. I'm sure these are great books as they are written by best selling authors and I'm sure to have a great experience reading them.

What's on your TBR (To be Read) List? Share them below or on twitter @iamthebluedevil
