FROM THYSHELF - Eating Anything That Moves

 Even when I was in college, it has always been my plan to take further studies. So I enrolled in a culinary school to become a better food scientist. I started culinary school late last year and boy were my expectations wrong!

You see I love watching cooking shows and I thought the lessons were a bit like that. But it was a whole lot different. It's not as if you watch the chef cook or make something then you can almost immediately make it too. I would say my chemistry lab lessons in college is more similar to culinary lessons than those 30 minute TV cooking. The culinary industry is nothing like what we see on our flat screens.

So I found this book on Shelf Awareness and it was a big help for me to embrace the culinary world in a different perspective. I assume that most people would think, that when one says food, it means pork, beef, poultry, fish, vegetables and fruits. I mean, that's what people really eat. But this book opened me to the idea that modern cuisine is not just about pork, beef, poultry and fresh produce. Yes, I am talking about Dana Goodyear's Anything That Moves

Dana Goodyear's book is a quest. A quest to understand the rationale behind the most bizarre food choices we see on modern restaurants. It is a guide. A guide to see the history of how something that we don't usually see on our plates is now a trend in the food industry.

Anything That Moves is a gastronomic adventure. When I was reading the book, I felt like Alice going down the rabbit hole. It was a such an eye opener. But it was no figment of my imagination. It is the absolute truth that we are now living in a modern food era where exotic is the name of the game. And that there are chefs who are not just willing to try but openly utilize these ingredients and are incorporating it to the American menu.

It was a breathe of fresh air. It was a contemporary read to the usual culinary books I read. It opened me to the fact that the future of culinary is where the extreme reeks into the mainstream.

All in all, I had fun reading this hilarious book. A modern take on a modern topic. Perfect combination!

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